Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Are INGOs taking on Tele-facing?

Looks like they are, atleast in India. The new ones to join the list are Plan India and Save the Children India (Bal Raksha Bharat).

Many more seem to be planning their moves. Although, a successful adoption is still awaited outside India. Should be a matter of time.

For the jargon challenged INGOs stands for International NGOs.


Saturday, June 28, 2008

ISR-Individual Social Responsibility?

Want to know more, click on

Good thing is, like tele-facing this essay also has telephone as a starting point.

Do read it.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Dummy's Guide to Tele-facing

Nobody could have unraveled tele-facing so lucidly but the authors of this article in Resource Alliance's latest newsletter. Although, the article does not call it tele-facing by name, but if some one asks me to explain tele-facing, I would not hestitate forwarding them this link

To me a Dummy's guide to tele-facing.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Fundraise India's Publication on Indian Market

Fundraise India have recently released a short and sweet summary on Indian fundraising market.

The report in under 30 pages maps Indian market well for the totally uninitiated. The report is free to get, but you need to request for it by sending an email.

The contents of the report are there, although on the website. Ask for a copy if you like the trailer.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

UK NGOs get a primer on Tele-facing

International fundrasing consultant and an expert on Asia and UK markets, Finlay Craig made a very inspiring presentation on Tele-facing. Something, that left around 120 participants at the International Fundraising Institute's South Western UK Regional conference asking for more.

Many of the participants showed keen interest in embracing this new tool in fundraising.

In the presentation below Finlay talks about some case-studies from around the world.So if you are really interested in bolstering your fundraising, click it right now.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Tele-facing what?

It is a new strategy that mixes the good things of telephone fundraising and face to face. First used and mastered in India, it is being tested around the globe for increasing efficiencies in fundraising amongst the not for profit sector.

If you think your existing strategies are saturating, tele-facing may bring a fresh breath of life to your fundraising. To know what sector experts have to say on tele-facing and learn how to use it visit

Tele-facing as you will notice is separated by a dash. The story is, when the word was first spelt on MS Word, the spell check won't allow it without a dash. But as it is said, "What's in a name", the meat is in testing it out to advantage. So what are you waiting for? Click now

Happy fundraising!
